Monday, July 20, 2015

Life, Death and Time

It’s amazing how death sometimes occupy the same space and time as life. 
It’s amazing how time sometimes blur the line between life and death. 

Sometimes I ask myself,
“Why must I constantly ask myself; why in life, must we face death?” 
Why must the harmonies of joy and gladness be shattered by loss and emptiness?
Why must life be death and death, life?
Why does the time drag on so slowing in that moment, but it flies by life so quickly?


And what is the wonder in our hearts, when we see faces stand still?
Faces that once were but are no more,
Faces that once touched our fingers and warmed our hearts;
Faces that smiled at us and sometimes sneered at us.
Why must our faces, be bored in our hearts then torn from our lives in time.


Follow @NevyDames on Twitter

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

If I say that I'm sad...don't downplay my sorrow by pointing out someone whom you may feel has more reason to be sad.

If I say that I'm hurt...don't downplay my pain by pointing out someone whom you may feel has more reason to be sad.

When I'm angry...don't downplay my fury by pointing out someone whom you may feel has more reason to be angry.

Who am I to you?

When I entrust to you the darker corners of my existence; do not belittle me with vein and shallow repetition.

Yes, there is always someone who has it worst...but there is also always someone who has it better.

For which is my heart more deserving?

Follow @NevyDames on Twitter

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Hope is, believing without knowing. 
Faith is holding on without seeing. 
Courage is moving forward without the need to be rewarded. 
Humility is having without boasting. 
Wisdom is, understanding without conformity. 

The moral of my story is… 
When you learn to go without, you earn everything.

Follow @NevyDames on Twitter